Writeup for Hackfest 2022 – Resurrection Edition Beginner CTF: Hackfest CTF
Category: Writeups
CTF Analougepond from @knightmare2600 (VulnHub)
It has been a wile since i solved a CTF. I decided to try to crack the analougepond from @knightmare2600.
First you need to put an appropriate soundtrack for this VM. Read more “CTF Analougepond from @knightmare2600 (VulnHub)”
CTF Ew_Skuzzy from @vortexau (Vulnhub)
CTF Orcus from Viper (hackfest 2016)
Hello guys, it’s my third Vulnerable VM by @ViperBlackSkull if you need more information you can reach me on twitter at @marghost. You can get the virtual machine HERE. So lets get started. Read more “CTF Orcus from Viper (hackfest 2016)”
CTF Sedna from Viper (hackfest 2016)
Hi everyone, I did the first Vuln VM from hackfest 2016 not long ago and i want to try this one now. It’s the second one by @ViperBlackSkull and it is the second walkthrough for me so if you need more information you can reach me on twitter at @marghost. You can get the virtual machine HERE. So lets get started.
Quaoar from @ViperBlackSkull (Vulnhub)
Ok guys it is my first review of a capture the flag pentest. If you have suggestions you can reach me out on twitter @marghost. I hope you will like it. This vulnerable VM has been created by Viper and can be found HERE. In this pentest i will use some basic pentest tools like nmap nikto dirtbuster and wpscan. I will exploit vulns with the classic metasploit.