First install of jasper

First of all fresh install of the jasper img provided by matt curry.

After you should make an apt-get ‘update upgrade’…. and your good to go make a tea break and maybe do some lundry lawl.
….still updating go prepare a snack and put one episode of your favorite serie 😉

You need to use the jasper toolkit provided by matt curry that is the home directory of the pi to install jasper…. not working error in the script just use

git clone

after go give your info to jasper

cd ~/jasper/client


info are stored in : nano ~/.jasper/profile.yml

after modify profile.yml to add the stt

stt_engine: sphinx
fst_model: ‘~/g014b2b/g014b2b.fst’                              #optional
hmm_dir: ‘/usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/hmm/en_US/hub4wsj_sc_8k’ #optional

Sameting for the tts i will use svox pico for testing purpose

On Debian, you need to install libttspico-utils:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libttspico-utils

Then, you just add it to your profile.yml:

tts_engine: pico-tts

 to fix weather for montreal beach :

location: montreal
wmo_id: 71627

as i dont like to give my gmail password in plane txt on a  device i will create a mailgun just for jasper

    username: [email protected]
    password: your_password

Copied directly from :

Software Architecture

Having installed and configured Jasper and its required libraries, it is worth taking a moment to understand how they interact and how the code is architected.

The program is organized into a number of different components:

Jasper Client Architecture is the program that orchestrates all of Jasper. It creates mic, profile, and conversation instances. Next, the conversation instance is fed the mic and profile as inputs, from which it creates a notifier and a brain.

The brain then receives the mic and profile originally descended from main and loads all the interactive components into memory. The brain is essentially the interface between developer-written modules and the core framework. Each module must implement isValid() and handle() functions, as well as define a WORDS = [...] list.

To learn more about how Jasper interactive modules work and how to write your own, check out the API guide

Usefull links:

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