When my teacher asked me to use assembly language to make action out of my PIC, i first go to google to find out nobody never wrote real tutorial for it. This is a beginner guide for novices.
First things you needs are the schematic and the manual for your dspic. I use a dsPIC30F4013.
The Schematics are the same but the circuit is up to whatever board you have:
dspic30f3014_4013 Chip Schematic
Circuit DSPIC2
These are the refs and the programmers manual for my disPIC :
dspic30f Programmers manual
dsPIC30F Family Ref Manual
Make sure that you have installed the good version of mplabx and the compiler. The main program is ‘mplabc30-v3_31-windows-installer’, the compiler is ASM30 (v3_31).
Now you are ready for your first program.